Most Wanted
Most Wanted matches skill shortage areas to relevant qualifications offered at Otago Polytechnic Central Campus. We used job titles that make sense to people (eg. beekeeper, not apiarist) and a strong call to action: ‘Get Qualified’. The ads direct to a landing page that talks to the skilled worker shortages in Central Otago and New Zealand and explains what you need to qualify for those jobs.
This messaging appeals to domestic students who want to study something that gets them a job. But it also appeals to an international audience looking to immigrate to New Zealand, since we are highlighting qualifications on the regional and long term skill shortage lists that are worth extra points in the Skilled Migrant Visa process.

We're your local
It is a secondary campaign to drive local community at Central. It tells stories about this collaborative in this small bonded community. It also carried an objective to gain support and awareness from the local community to collaborate with Otago Polytechnic.